It may surprise you, but after more than 17 years working as a interim manager in a restricted time frame, I am convinced that without my experience as a technical diver, I would not be up to the challenges of this activity. As an interim manager, I am under pressure and facing tasks that are well known to me as a diver. I am called into companies that literally run out of air.
My time to start the change for the better is limited. The location is mostly confusing. And I do not know how this company works and what it does. For a diver – and one who was also involved in rescue missions – this is the norm. The water is often unknown, the visibility is limited in the turbidity, the supply of breathing air is limited to the volume of the compressed air cylinder. Technical divers are dependent on coping well with these conditions. Underwater literally means survival. Technical divers therefore need expertise and skills without which they would endanger themselves and others. This also applies to interim managers. But many do not realize that.
Core question of this blog post
- How do I manage change, the transformation of the company, cultural change?
- How do I interpret diffuse signals under time pressure, how do I effectively communicate, decide quickly and keep the focus in all of this?
Feel free to contact me, I will send you the original article (appeared: see link) gladly. Enjoy reading.