HR under pressure

Sometimes such a feeling creeps over me.Somewhere in my stomach it manifests itself a first time.It tweaks and pinches here and there. In most cases, I ignore it, you do not have to assign space and meaning to every flatulence. But in some cases, it just must get out.Read on...

Crisis talksäch-3.mp4Crisis talk is the most demanding communication we can imagine. In addition to the content itself, it is important to convey calm and confidence. In addition, since people are often in a state of fright during the crisis, it is necessary to come into the action through communication. So the...

Management – rocket science, arts or crafts?

Manchmal ist Management nichts anderes als solides Handwerk. Mit einer Prise gesunden Menschenverstands, der Entfesselung des eigenen Buzzword-verseuchten Hirns und ein wenig Schmalz in den Arbeitsmuskeln gelingt so manches Husarenstück. Wenn man es dann noch schafft, nicht-dogmatisches Denken obendrauf zu packen... Unternehmen und unser Handeln als Manager ist voller Routinen,...


Ambidexterity - a wonderful word. Hardly anyone understands it, you can talk about it much better.   Out of sheer processes, SOPs, procedural and behavioral rules, we have become blind to the obvious things. Stoic and dull we run on well-trodden paths, we go pre-marked paths ...   ... instead...