As a diver and manager, I gain my experiences in concrete situations – and usually under pressure and uncertainty. Again and again, I experience situations that are thought-provoking. They force me to rethink what I have learned to the present day. They sharpen the view of what really matters under extreme conditions. That is, what I talk about in my key notes.
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I love change situations – and keynotes serve as powerful instruments in change situations. Keynotes are impulses full of momentum and impact. Well embedded in a bunch of further measurements, they are able to whip organisations ahead to the tipping point where “talk and plan” is converted into “action”.
Human spirit wants to be free and human beings want to productive.
––––––––––– Bodo Antonić
My Mission

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I am a manager and a diver. More precisely, I am interim manager, who should initiate the change for the better with limited time and limited insight.
Both areas of experience – diving and managing – belong together for me. They interpenetrate. Whether I dive into the water or into the company: I must orientate myself anew every time, interpret signals, communicate clearly and make courageous decisions.
Underwater, as an experienced diver, I take responsibility for a group of people. No different in the company. Here too, as a manager, I take responsibility for people and the company’s success.
This requires professionalism, focus and a guideline. This is a matter of course for divers – and should be a tool for managers. So that you and the company do not run out of breath prematurely.
Enthusiastic audience
In Sachen Restrukturierungen von Life Science-Absatzorganisationen ist er für mich der Interimmanager der Wahl.

Mediterranes Temperament und Präzision des Verstands in einem Menschen vereint.

Sie wollen einen Menschen kennenlernen, der das Umdenken lebt, der das Wort Paradigmenwechsel verstanden hat und einen Menschen, der weckt? Dann hören Sie bei ihm genau hin.

Bodo Antonic denkt präzise und stellt Altbekanntes in Frage. Damit entlarvt er unbewusste Glaubenssätze, ist dadurch manchmal ein wenig unbequem, versteht es aber immer die Wertschätzung zu transportieren, die ihm am Herzen liegt.

Auf den Punkt, schnörkellos.

Dalmatinisches Temperament und preußische Disziplin in einer Person vereint.

News and Update
Rulebreaker 2
Each punch must be a strike
Key processes in the crisis: "Which gears have to run well in our sales machine?"
Which part of the sales representative is key? How do I cover my base in a crisis?
Podcast: Customer loyalty as THE top priority
Podcast: Staunch and experienced executives
Podcast: Less is more
Podcast: Sales as a key factor during a crisis
Fire in the cellar
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Contact me
Thorenbergstrasse 5, CH-6014 Luzern
Please fill up with the corresponding contact data. Raise your questions and we will came back asap with the answer.
Just call +41 76 797 66 71 or +49 177 56 11 940 and we will enjoy to talk to you.

Tel.: +49 172 870 9440